Friday, April 13, 2012

Today, packing day...tomorrow....

Tomorrow is travel day, long day in the MINI day, eat on the road day, gas up with the most expensive gas ever day, listen to my other brother's stories all the way home day, playlist survival day, see the Rockies, (mountains) day, humm that might be the next day day, buy scratcher tickets along the way day, win some cash day,  might see snow in Flagstaff day,  will see rain day, my trip back to Nebraska day(s). 
I'm not even packing my traditional neat blue craft suitcase on this trip!  What's a crafty girl to do?  I'm MINImizing packing stuff so I'll have room for treasures to bring home with me.  My trip to Sweet Salvage motivated me to shop for the unusal & unique things to repurpose.  My friend bought the coolest bird bath and I have bird bath envy!  So I'm gonna keep my eye out for one and anything else I can fit in the MINI.  Stay tuned....

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