Monday, June 24, 2024

A New Dog Around Here

My dad decided he would like a dog.  He is ready for a small companion.  We headed to the local Humane Society since we knew they were full right now with animals.    A small dog and an older dog was what he thought would work for him.  My dad is elder and slower, so he didn't want a dog to overpower him.  We headed to the small dog area and we found at least five  to six possibilities, however by the time we inquired about all them they had been adopted or were no longer up for adoption.  We decided to walk through the whole building and man there were so many medium to large dogs, so many german shephard and pit mixes.  It was a very hot day and the shelter and it's volunteers worked so hard keeping the shelter cool and clean.  The place was busy and dogs were getting adopted.
We left feeling defeated.  On the drive home I checked on Craigslist and low and behold I saw a post for a dog and it needed a new home at no fee.  He was house trained, doggie door trained, leash trained and kennel trained.  He was four to five years of age and around 20 pounds.  Almost to good to be true.  I contacted the owner and no one responded yet and asked if we would like to meet his dog.  We met up the next morning and the gentleman, who was a senior and told us he lost his wife six months ago and thought a pet would help.  However, he is now dealing with some serious health issues and fearful he would not be able to care for his dog, CABO.    Cabo was friendly and easily approached my dad.  We were happy to have him and reassured him Cabo is in good hands and wish the man the best.

This is Cabo, he's so good and has warmed up to my Dad so well.  We may rename him in that he was also a shelter rescue and not much is known about him.  The gentleman had him for 2 months.  As of now he doesn't recall to Cabo very well,  a name change seems possible.


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