Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Today, I remembered I have a blog. It's been too long since I've posted on my blog. It's also been some kind of year for me. In all the ups and downs the universe has thrown my way, I always know I'm gonna be fine. Lately, and maybe that's the reason I remembered my blog today, is, I am craving creativity with my hands. Today painted wood shutters, painted a second coat on my bedroom wall, got my hands dirty in my new flower garden. Yesterday I baked banana bread, peanut butter and sugar cookies for no reason. I made tortilla soup for the first time, I made this great salsa and have been craving homemade flour tortillas. When you have a creative soul it hurts when you find your self stuck in the feels. For now it's nice to type on my blog. I wasn't able to include photos, not sure what's change on this platform, but I'll work on it.

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