Wednesday was such a tough day. This dog, WINSTON gave us 13 years. Last week he was showing signs of aging more so than normal for him. We knew the hard decision was upon us. We thought another week and we'll see. Two days ago that all changed. He deteriorated fast. Could walk on his own and yesterday he was not interested in eating or moving around much. Now, Winston is always interested in eating anything anytime. The signs were all there. I looked into his eyes and he was telling me he was ready. Today he was so sick and could not move at all. Today was the day he chose. He was so ready and at peace. We love this dog and he gave us all his love all the time! I will miss him terribly. Bella girl, not sure how the change will impact her.
Winston |
Winston as a puppy, he was so cute! |
Winston, a year old! |
Winston's first road trip, Flagstaff |
Winston, he loved swimming in rivers, swimming pools not so much. |
Winston's first road trip to Idaho. Last trip there was to watch the lunar eclipse. |
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