A friend of mine was celebrating his birthday, recent retirement and pending divorce. Man, he really needed a night out with all of us. He had a great time and so did I. They had a live band playing, "The Chris Parker Project", never heard of them myself. They weren't too bad, but the best part was Chris Parker. I thought I recognized the name...he's a DJ on the radio. Zachariah and I would listen to him on the mornings I dropped Zachariah at school. So let me tell ya this Chris Parker guy was fun and the music was fun. Luckily one of the ladies with us had her nifty camera. She was so shy and wouldn't get any close up photos, so I'm like can I try to get some just a little closer? Like she could say no to me. Here's Chris Parker cheesing ...

I had to get a closer look and then of course I just HAD to have my photo taken with him... He was a very sweet and posed with me.

Dang even got a kiss!
It was a fun night... yeah my friend had a blast and we danced all night long.
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