Mini Lula all covered up...she's like why can't I see anything?????
This is Colby's senior was so cold out and the sun wasn't shining in this alley way. he was fun to shoot.

Funny story here... it was his idea to drive up to an abandoned house and take some photos. It was a neat house and a great photo background. We had to cross an electric fence, not a problem. Never thinking we shouldn't be in the house. Well not even 15 mintues in the house a pickup drove up ... OMG! We hurried out of the house and walked to Mini Lula acting all cool and explaining how we were taking photos. The man was pretty cool with us and then went on to explain what the house was...a house where the migrant workers slept when they worked the beet fields. The two room houses were built about every two to three miles and this was the last one in this area. Ended he went to school with my sister and knew her and the La Casa Nueva well. Whew.
My sister, Patsy, owner of La Casa Nueva, was interviewed by a local tv station. I'm trying to get a copy of the video and once I do I'll add it to my blog. The interview was great and she was fabulous.

Remember I posted a find of some vintage luggage on a trip to Lincoln. Well here they are.. So cool. I think they would be perfect on trip to Paris, France that is.
I put up lights in my studio. They give a nice glow to the evenings.
I found this great idea in the holiday issue of Somerset LIFE.
Everyone I gave them to loved them.
Check this out....
My friend, Angela gave me the best ever birthday gift. It was such a great suprise and perfect!
I loved everything about it. All kinds of goodies and a fabulous container to boot!
Check out the office candle gifts I made.
Check out these cupcakes! I made them for a friend who was taking a leave from her job due to serious medical issues. She loved them. I loved using the nut type paper cups.

Okay, that's it for this long photo post. I have plenty more but this is it for tonight.
Okay, that's it for this long photo post. I have plenty more but this is it for tonight.
Thanks so much for checking out my blog.
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