Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Monday thoughts...

I go to antique stores, thrift stores and vintage shops all the time.  I take photos of things all the time for mainly for ideas.   I usually don't buy stuff until I know I have a specific spot for it in my house.  My house is not big and everything seems to have a place.   So I would have to move things around or get rid of something to make room for something new.   I'm in the middle of redoing most of our living space.  I like old things and plan to use my stash of collected antique and vintage items throughout the house now.  I've had most stored in my garage...lol.

I have a number of vintage quilt tops in my collection and I thought this would be a cool way to to use them.  I also have a few pieces my Mom has given me.  I think I even have a few holiday quilt color tops.

I love this wooden cubby shelf unit.  I think I can make one.  

One thing you always see at any shop is kitchen ware...tons of that shit.

Not sure why I didn't buy these springs!  I used them for christmas decor last year.

I love wooden boxes, tool boxes, any wooden box.

I don't normally look at jewelry because there's so much of it and I have no patience.  But recently I my sister showed me some cool stuff at very reasonable prices.  I got two rings for less that $5!  Way cool.  So from now on I'm gonna take the time to rummage through it.

This was an interesting piece, the drawers had wood fronts and metal sides.  

 Thrifting and antiquing is one of most favorite things to do!