I needed to clean up some space in my studio for my sewing machine, needed to clean out some space in the office for treadmill, needed to find space in the bedroom for some rearranging of the bed to make room for a cool stack of books that I removed from my studio book cabinet to make room for my jewelry making stuff and supplies to make room for my sewing machine, full purging circle! I went through my collect of books & magazines. Soap making, wood projects, paper crafts, cement, scrap booking, lots of quilting, gardening, paper making, home decorating, potpourri, and lots of good reading. Most of the magazines are scrap booking and paper craft. I don't need any of them, so I'm purging magazines!

I moved all the good reading books into the bedroom and made a really cool stack along the wall. All I need is a comfy chair (and time) to read them. Actually I think I've read most of them. One thing led to another and I found myself cleaning, reorganizing, and purging more stuff than I intended when I began. I found a collection of photos with no common theme and realized I need to spend time on photos and photo albums. I have too many envelopes! I have too much paper ephemera. But I do have tons of cool stuff!
It's the end of the weekend and I got it all done. Bed was moved under a window and not sure how that's gonna work out. I like it but not good for TV viewing for Tom. Overall, I love the changes in our bedroom. I love the changes in my studio, sewing machine on one table and jewelry on the main table with lots of room for supplies. Treadmill in office, a little crowded, but who cares for now. I may move it to the patio now that the weather is cooler and by cooler I mean under 100 degrees, haha. I have a pile of books & magazines to give away!