Monday, March 14, 2011

Dog training, ugh.........

Last trip to the vet, Winston tipped the scale at 108 lbs!  Dr Ingram asked how the walking was going, well not so good for Winston.  I felt bad so it was time to get the leases and take a stroll around the neighborhood.  Winston knows what to do and how to behave, no problem.  Maximus on the other hand hasn't been on many walks.  They were both so excited when they saw the leases!  I struggled with Maximus, should of been a sign of things to come.  We get out the blue door and to the sidewalk just fine.  But soon all heck broke loose!!!!  I didn't even make it two houses down before I was tangled in leases and dogs.  No one was listening to me.  I finally got some control and headed straight back home.  They are like hey this came be it?
It's not their fault I'm such a bad dog mom.  Training begins with Maximus.  I put him on a lease and practice "heal".  First day, awful.  Second day, better.  Third day, good.  Fourth day, no pulling!  Fifth day, awesome.  I'm so excited and think what a darn smart dog Maximus is.  Yesterday, we take them for a "real" walk in the neighborhood.  OMG.  He forgot his training and was awful. Constant pulling and needed too many corrections that my arm was so tired by the time we got home. I was so miserable and defeated. But, I'm determined and it's back to training.  I'll keep you posted.  (this post reminds me of a dog hero story I need to tell you about)  Stay tuned.

Did someone say flowers?

Not, my Mr. Valentine!
  This was so yum
He so knows me......

(nothing like posting a month late, "jobi time")

Sleepless nights

Just the other day I was bragging about how my sleep schedule was better, then here I am fully awake at this hour!  I've been super duper busy with so much fun stuff, makes my head spin.  

I was asked to make some "Save the Date" magnets for a quincearia. She wanted a beach theme, sea shells, starfish or mermaid on the magnet.  I found this image through Google, it was perfect for this project.  I was able to size it to a business card size in order to use the magnetic business cards. Worked perfectly, I attached them to piece of cardstock....but not done there.  I added some twine and a bead and tiny shell.  

I found some extra lunch bags and aqua colored ribbon .

ta da,

These were fun to make.