Today I'm participating in a craft fair. I've been working hard to have some of my stuff ready. It's a second job! I love it, though!! I haven't done a craft fair in a really really long time. The last one was so awful. It was downtown in a concrete courtyard on a very sunny & hot day. The crowd was in a buying mood whatsoever. This time it's different, I don't care if nothing sells, I won't base my talent on lack of sales....I'm gonna have fun, period.
Here's some of the stuff I put together....Tell me what you think???
These are post-it note pads using my original artwork.
Jewelry pieces. I decided not to make the necklaces but only the pendants pieces to show the work and then customize them to the person buying the pendant.

Matted prints of my artwork. I scanned then printed the artwork. I embellished them to individualize two alike.

I lifted this idea from a Somerset magazine. It's flashcards made into a garland. I have fun making these but they were so time consuming! I figured they can be used to
decorate a gift box or bad. Or used as tree decoration.

This was my idea for a business card. I plan to hand out to anyone interested in my stuff. I broke my electric pencil let's hope I made some cash to replace it....

Decorative trees. Fun to make but once again very time consuming.

I bought a small journal and altered it with a painted angel. I plan to have anyone interested to give me their email address and better yet to give me an order for a custom piece
I'll take photos of the craft fair and my table. I'll let you know how it went.