Sunday, November 22, 2009

A weekend of no projects ....

But, did go see " new moon " . Edward and Jacob, need I say more.
It was good.
oh by the way... HUSKERS won!

Monday, November 9, 2009


End of the weekend and back to work on Monday.
Here's some stuff that kept me busy.
Watched way too much football
Found several new magazines full of crazy fun ideas!
So I had to find time to read and study the pictures.
Tried a couple of things but found I need more paper punches!
Oh, and glitter, too.
I read somewhere or saw it on someone's blog ... 47 days til Christmas!
I think I would like to do an idea list - one thing for each day left.
1. tiny fabric trees with glitter & stars
2. tiny paper circle trees with glitter & a star on top.
3. fabric flowers
4. snowman jars
5. paper sack envelopes
6. sewn paper sack envelopes
7. sewn paper flowers on cards
8. babbles with snowflakes with glitter
9. babble stones with christmas sayings
10. photos of my dogs, colby & winston
11. earrings, red ones
12. rubberstamped cards
13. flannel pink baby blankets
14. ice skate idea
15. crochet a funky scraf
16. thank you notes
17. cookie exchange invite design
18. bake sugar cookies
19. paint a christmas themed angel
20. bracelets
21. soldered pendants
22. button designed cards
23. add to my "me" journal

Okay, that's half of the list....whew!
More to come......

Here's some of the babbles I made. I made a number of them but gifted them before photographing them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The seats were fine but of course it would be been the best to be on the floor with all the music energy.

This is Larry looking all so sexy!

Big video screen close ups


Did I forget to tell you

Black Eye Peas

also performed

Midnight, again

I was on-line with Zachariah and he asked to see the photos from the trip to Lincoln. I forgot about those photos, we had a fun time.

Can you find Zachariah and Christine????
(Hint - top row)

This was the view from my seat.

Okay, this is my sister and she really believes she's meeting real life stars! She stopped to pet the dog!

We headed north to farm country. My husband's family farm and they were in the middle of combining the soybean fields. We all got a ride in the huge combine and we even lost Zachariah somewhen on the farm. "FEAR the CORN".

On a very sad note, my mother-in-law, Barb passed away unexpectly only a few days after our visit this Sunday day. We had a good visit and she cooked a homemade supper for us.

She lived a happy good long life filled with love and family.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wow, it's November already!!

Where does the time go? Actually, here we go with that time thing, huh? One day it's super hot outside and today is a perfect sunny day. I have rainbows in "my studio" (formally my craftroom). I thought I would post some photos of my studio, where all the magic is. I never spend enough time (that time thing again!) in this room.

Here's some random photos of things I have in here.

Random collection of pens/pencils

Notebooks waiting to be altered

Books & memories

Beautiful teacup I found in San Diego

Great tier holder of stuff

Wow, color everywhere!

Every Studio has it's QUEEN, & every QUEEN must have her TIARA!