Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm so connected now

check this out.... G1
so cool
so fun
so need to learn it
so here i go

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We have a new President

I watched the inauguration all day long. Not much interest at my office, kinda surprised me. I found myself emotional when he took the oath and gave his speech.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I've been stuck to the television since yesterday watching the inauguration events. Yesterday's concert was so awesome...Bono, U2, Bruce and John Mellencamp. It's so historic and amazing.

Tomorrow is the day. Can't wait

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Back on the blog

I finally made time to post.  I have photos and things made.  I had a busy holiday season and caught a very bad sore throat.  I'm thinking it was a serious sign to stop talking and LISTEN.  It's amazing what you hear when you're quiet.  


For some time I promised Jason I would make him a new frame for an old mirror he was going to throw out.  Now if you know nothing about me, you should know this.... I work on "jobi time".  I have this thing about time....no concept of time actually.  I don't like clocks or watches and time floats in odd ways in my world.   I love the night and hate to sleep.   It does make it a challenge since the rest to the world has this thing about clocks.  But, back to this  mirror.  It has taken me several years, I think.  I'm finished with it .  Weird but once I started it, it was finished in "no time".  I love it and will be delivering it soon. (jobi time, again).


We had a formal holiday dinner with a small group of friends.  I found this set of dishes at random stop at a random antique store on a random day.  They were meant to be found this random shopping stop.


In November we spent a week in the White Mts in northeastern Arizona.  No snow, so no show angels.

*okay just enough snow for snowballs*

MINI is mine!!! & it's blue!

I have been wanting a Mini for the past year if not longer.  I looked and looked and test drove and finally I found her in October.  She's blue, tiny, fast, fun, & perfect.  
*Not actual size*

Dress day

My close friend's daughter is getting married and I was invited to the wedding dress party.  When she tried on the first dress, we all loved it, when she tried on the second dress we didn't love it as much and same went for the third dress, BUT when she tried on the last dress we fell in LOVE with it.